I have been quite busy and was not able to post much. It has reach to a point that I have decided to end this years post with the summary of the trainings from September up to the month of December 2008.
Such was a great year for all of us with so many lectures and request for seminar. We are really proud that despite starting out so small and simple we have reach this point. We are very happy to have helped and trained a lot of people on the aspect of safety and healthcare and hope that we will continue to be able to serve and help many more in the coming year.
One of the greatest achievement that we were able to accomplish is the approval of our training center to conduct Advance Cardiac Life Support under the American College of Emergency Physicians EACLS course. (CLICK HERE) for verification
We will soon be conducting ACLS next year, full blast.
Another exciting development this year is the partnership with our training center with the American Dream Review center. As you may have noticed the schedules, every month, we have conducted training to AMDREAM not only in their Cebu Branch but in their Bohol Branch as well.
We have also reached the further going up to Calbayog City in Samar. We have been invited by a privat run hospital in the area, St. Camillus and is hoping that we will be going there for another round of training.
Of course this could not have been reached without the support and help of our different instructors as well as the participants. We strongly beleive that without them we will never reached this far.
We would like to thank you all for the support and look forward to a brigther future in the yeart to come.....
Dec 31, 2008
Nov 11, 2008
CCSDC Sept 3-5, 2008
On September 3-5, 2008, We had another round of training for CCSDC caregiving school. As usual, after their First aid and CPR module, the students final phase of training will be our ECSI First aid and Pro CPR course.
A total of twenty participants took the course. One of them was Merry Ann Catugal (2nd from right sitting). She is not a caregiver student but took the course as a preparatory for her instructors course. She actually works in Saudi Arabia.
Three other participants who are graduate of the school and have already taken our ECSI course joined again considering that they want to refresh themselves about the first aid procedures as well as renew their completion cards.
Three other participants who are graduate of the school and have already taken our ECSI course joined again considering that they want to refresh themselves about the first aid procedures as well as renew their completion cards.
Nov 7, 2008
Caregiving Students of CCSDTI
Shortly after the training in Globe Innove, I had another schedule. This time it was with the Cebu Caregiving Studies and Development Training Incorporated (CCSDCTI).
Our training center happens to be an affliate of CCSDTI both the Cebu Branch and the Toledo City branch. For each First aid or Emergency Care module, it is our training center that will handle and facilitate the training.
On August 26, 2008, we started with the course and it was actually good for four days. We have to adjust the number of hours per day to comply with the total number of hours to complete the course.

Mr. Diones Tizon one of our Instructor handled the Emergency Transportation topic.
Our training center happens to be an affliate of CCSDTI both the Cebu Branch and the Toledo City branch. For each First aid or Emergency Care module, it is our training center that will handle and facilitate the training.
On August 26, 2008, we started with the course and it was actually good for four days. We have to adjust the number of hours per day to comply with the total number of hours to complete the course.
Mr. Diones Tizon one of our Instructor handled the Emergency Transportation topic.
Glove Innove Building - August 25-26, 2008
Our next training brought us to the Globe Innove Building in Ayala, Cebu City Phillipines. It was participated by some employees in the Building, nursings students from Cebu Doctors College of Nursing as well as Clinical Instructors of Cebu Doctors Nursing College.
Mr.Ignacio who happens to be the Building Safety Manager was kind enough to allow us to use the training room of the establishment. Along with this, employees of the company joined our training (safety officers, security officers, maintenance officers). Even Mr. Ignacio who has already undergone a lot of basic and advance safety training joined the program.
The nursing students also had thier share of return demonstration ranging from Adult CPR to Infant CPR as well as the use of AED.
Later in the afternoon it was the turn of the Clinical Instructors. They also attended the program to update themselves on the different aspects of First aid and CPR guidelines.
Oct 31, 2008
American Dream Review Center
One anticipated part of the course aside from the CPR is the Basic ECG interpretation. The topic was handled by our Training Center Director, Grace Obregon.
Moreover, we have already submitted our application for ACLS training center approval. As you can see, anyone can conduct trainings on Basic Life Support as well as Advance Cardiac Life Support for as long as you know the topic. The only problem would be is if that person or group is accredited. Without approval and accreditation, the certificates and completion cards would not be acceptable abroad.
As for our courses, we issue cards from either the Emergency Care Safety Institute or from the American Safety and Health Institute from the United States. In other words the cards are from the Institute itself, not printed by us. Printing cards on your own and placing the names of the institute on it is not allowed since they are the ones who will provide the card and all I need to do is sign the cards and issue them.
Oct 26, 2008
American Dream Review Center in Bohol
Two participants are actually ready to go abroad and have been advised to secure First aid and Pro CPR training completion cards based on international standards. This is the reason why they have joined the training.
As usual, the participants were able to learn updates on the latest guidelines on First aid and CPR and at the same time were able to do hands on and practical demonstration on CPR, Bansaging and Emergency Transportation.
Oct 21, 2008
First aid and CPR Training Updates
From the 5th day of August up to the 13th day, our group was busy on the following schedules and invitations:
August 5 First aid and Firefigthing seminar. The participants were building contractors of SM Sheraton Hotel.
August 7 Pro CPR Workshop on University of Cebu Level IV nursing students.
August 9 First aid and CPR seminar - Public School Teachers from Cawayan Central School, Dalaguete, Cebu Province.
August 11-13, 20 Pro CPr Workshop University of Cebu Level IV nursing students.

This is the final batch of University of Cebu Level IV nursing students. A total of 1500 students were trained by our group for the two month period. The school has actually contacted us previously and the number was around 1,200. Now it has reached more than 1500 students. And you have to take note that such number is just for the level IV alone.
From the 5th day of August up to the 13th day, our group was busy on the following schedules and invitations:
August 5 First aid and Firefigthing seminar. The participants were building contractors of SM Sheraton Hotel.
August 7 Pro CPR Workshop on University of Cebu Level IV nursing students.
August 9 First aid and CPR seminar - Public School Teachers from Cawayan Central School, Dalaguete, Cebu Province.
August 11-13, 20 Pro CPr Workshop University of Cebu Level IV nursing students.
Oct 14, 2008
Registered Nurses
Another group of Nurses has inivite us to conduct First aid and Pro CPR training for them. Most of them are employees of Chong Hua Hospital assigned in different departments.
It was actually an endorsement from one of thier friend who have taken our course earlier that led them to our group.
One of the participant offered her place as a venue for training in Cebu City. All the participants are actually residence of Cebu City and it would be practical to conduct the training in thier area of choice.
The participants told me that some of thier friends are also interested but will be requesting later since as of the moment they are still busy with their work schedule.
Oct 8, 2008
University Of Cebu College of Nursing - Banilad
University of Cebu - Banilad
College of Nursing
Once again the University of Cebu College Level IV nursing admin has requested us to conduct CPR training for their students. Just about the same time last year we were the ones who conducted the training for the Level IV nursing students.
The number of level IV nursing students has increased compared from the number last year. A total of 1500 students participated our workshop on CPR.
Considering the number, we have divided them by section and started on July 28, 2008. The student really had fun during the training. All of them are have duty training to different hospitals and eventually will be exposed to different hospital settings. This means that sooner or later they will be performing CPR.
Oct 1, 2008
Lecture Invitations
On July 22, 2008 I was in Bogo City as per invitation of the Office of Civil Defense. They conducted another Disaster Management Seminar in Bogo. I was the speaker once again for First aid and Firefigthing.

On July 26, 2008 The Cebu Institute of Technology, CIT, through its Health Services Department sponsored a sympossium on First aid and Basic Life Support. Once again, I was invited as the speaker of their half day program.
The sympossium was attended to by more than 500 participants ranging from 1st year to 4th year high school students including college students.
The participants were also given a chance to do some hand on CPR (return demonstration) although not all of them considering their number.
To view more pictures click here.
The School Doctor, and the rest of the school's Health Services Department Personnel attended the program and even assisted when some of the students performed a return demonstration on CPR I am very glad that they were really satisfied with the result.
Cebu Institute of Technology
Cebu City, Philippines
Lecture Invitation
On July 26, 2008 The Cebu Institute of Technology, CIT, through its Health Services Department sponsored a sympossium on First aid and Basic Life Support. Once again, I was invited as the speaker of their half day program.
The sympossium was attended to by more than 500 participants ranging from 1st year to 4th year high school students including college students.
The participants were also given a chance to do some hand on CPR (return demonstration) although not all of them considering their number.
To view more pictures click here.
The School Doctor, and the rest of the school's Health Services Department Personnel attended the program and even assisted when some of the students performed a return demonstration on CPR I am very glad that they were really satisfied with the result.
Cebu Caregiving Students July 2008 Batch
CCCSDC - Cebu Caregiving Studies and Development Center Caregiving Student July 2008 Batch for First aid and Pro CPR Training.
There were more than 20 participants who took our course for July 2008.
During the First day and second day, the course was held at the CCSDC Training Center in Sanciangko St. Cebu City, Philippines.
Once again, the most awaited part was the Rescue Simulation which was held at the Mountain View Resort in Cebu City. The participants were divided into four groups and were given an emergency scenario to respond. 
This is actually some sort of test for them to apply what they have
being observed and are evaluated.
first aid training, cpr training, basic life support
cebu city, philippines, international training
Sep 30, 2008
American Dream Review Center
On July10-12 2008 we conducted another round of First aid and Pro CPR training with the American Dream Review Center in Cebu, Philippines.
This has been a monthly course for us with the American Dream Review Center. The good thing is the number of participants has greatly increased.
As of this training, more than 40 participants joined the training composed mostly nurses. One participant was a high school student who will be leaving for the United States just a few days after the training. This is probably the reason why she joined the course since it would be a great advantage for her.
The First and second day were about First aid and CPR. The third day was devoted to Basic ECG reading which was handled by our Training Center Director, Grace Obregon
All ends well during the lecture and we are looking forward for another round of First aid and Pro CPR in the following month.
Sep 29, 2008
Registered Nurses - Lapu Lapu City, Philippines
First aid, Pro CPR Training - July 7-8, 2008
Lapu-lapu City, Cebu, Philippines
Lapu-lapu City, Cebu, Philippines
They are interested to undergo First aid training as well as CPR training to update their knowledge and skill. They were also interested to get
Although not all of them are applying outside but the completion cards would sure come in handy later on.
One of the participant is a resident in Lapu-lapu and has offered her place for training. It was really a great place since we conducted the training in a rooftop of their place.
Practically the participants enjoyed the program and somewhat had the feeling of being at home.
So the course was done with ease and it was really a good learning experience for them.
I was told that they will also endorse our training to some of their friends.
Sep 28, 2008
The participants were trained on First aid which included providing care to different types of emergencies ranging burns, wounds, fracture, poisoning, shock and many other health related problems.
Cardio-Pulomonary Resuscitation was also discuss based on the latest guidelines. Providing CPR to adults as well as to chilren and infants were elaborated including two rescuer CPR.
Well, the course was for nurses so what we have introduced was Pro CPR procedures. Since Pro CPR also involves the knowledge of Automated External Defibrillator, we have also conducted the and trained the participants on the use of the AED. Each of them were given time to familiarize how to use the AED as well as hand on use of the AED together with CPR application.
Bandaging was also taught. The students were paired and were guided on how to apply the bandage from head to foot using different folds of the triangular bandage.
From bandaging, we shifted to emergency transportation. Each participants again performed the different categories of one man carry, two man carry, three man carry. Moreover, rolls and drags as well as improvision of items for carry such as the use of a blanket, poles and others were also introduced.
first aid, cpr and aed training
Philippines, International
Sep 27, 2008
Larmen De Guia Memorial College June 19-21, 2008
The level IV nursing students of Larmen De Guia College of Nursing had their emergency nursing module. Again our group was requested to conduct the training for them which was assisted by thier clinical instructors. Miss Claire, started the program which was for a 3 day duration. The first and second day was held at Larmen De Guia in Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines.

Topics discuss were about First aid and CPR. These of course include Bandaging and emergency transportation. More than 80 students have joined the training and was fully supported by the administration. The second day was more on practical activities such as bandaging and emergency transportation. The students also were given time to practice on CPR demonstration.
The third day was held at Portofino Resort in Lapu-lapu City, Cebu, Philippines. It was a day for simulation and emergency response. Well it was also a day for fun and enjoyment!
Topics discuss were about First aid and CPR. These of course include Bandaging and emergency transportation. More than 80 students have joined the training and was fully supported by the administration. The second day was more on practical activities such as bandaging and emergency transportation. The students also were given time to practice on CPR demonstration.
One of the student was strapped on a backboard with a spider strap and was being carried by the some students around the resort.
It was indeed a day of fun and learning. Also a time to relax. Being in the level 4 is not an easy task. So many requirements to comply not to mention the preparation for graduation. Well, at least they had time to pose for pictures and show their best smile.
Disaster Management Seminar- Dalaguete, Cebu, Philippines
I was again invited to speak during the Disaster Management Seminar conducted by the Office of Civil Defense. The Seminar was held in the Municipality of Dalaguete.
Dalaguete is more or less 60 kilometers south of Cebu City. The seminar which was good for three days was attended by the different Municipal employees as well as the municipal councilors, Baranggay Chairman, and Department of Education teachers from the municipality.

The Honorable Mayor of Dalaguete during the delivery of his welcome address to the participants. Also on front left side is Mrs. Estrellita Escanan, the Office of Civil Defense Regional Coordinator.
The Seminar was a resounding success so and so that some of the participants particularly from the Department of Education approach me and told me that they will be inviting me soon to speak about First aid and Safety on a seminar that they will probably schedule later on.
Dalaguete is more or less 60 kilometers south of Cebu City. The seminar which was good for three days was attended by the different Municipal employees as well as the municipal councilors, Baranggay Chairman, and Department of Education teachers from the municipality.
The Honorable Mayor of Dalaguete during the delivery of his welcome address to the participants. Also on front left side is Mrs. Estrellita Escanan, the Office of Civil Defense Regional Coordinator.
The Seminar was a resounding success so and so that some of the participants particularly from the Department of Education approach me and told me that they will be inviting me soon to speak about First aid and Safety on a seminar that they will probably schedule later on.
Disaster Managment Seminar,
zzz7. Dalaguete
CCSDC Caregiving School
The Participants and Instructors during the CCSDC First aid and Pro CPR course at Mountain View Resort, Cebu City, Philippines. Course was conducted under ECSI Emergency Care Courses Programs.
This is another round of First aid and Pro CPR training for CCSDC caregiving students. The training was conducted from June 4-6, 2008. The first two days were held at the CCSDC building in Sanciangko, Cebu City.
Mr. Diones Tizon giving instrucstion on prior to CPR return demonstration. Edylin Resabal (black shirt) the license teacher who joined the caregiving students.
All the participants for the course were caregiving students of the school except for one who is a licensed teacher. She wanted to take the course since she is set to leave for Singapore and would be teaching there. She took the course to gain additional knowledge on First aid and CPR and at the same time to received a First aid and Pro CPR card which is a requirement for her job abroad.

During the third day, splinting, and emergency transportation as well as first aid simulations were conducted. It was held at Mountain View Resort in Cebu City. The students were divided into group and were given problems to respond. The problems vary from wounds, fractures, cardiac arrest.
Basically each group will respond to a scenario where they will have to apply all that they have learned from the training.
Of course prior to the response, a warm up exercise was done. This is to prepare them for the actual response during the emergency response simulations. Mr. Diones Tizon who handles their caregiving module for First aid, leads the warm up exercises.

A written exam was also given for the ECSI completion card compliance. Each student were given two exams. One for first aid and one for CPR.
Sep 20, 2008
Group of Nurses
Some nurses have group together and requested me to conduct ECSI international course on First aid and Pro CPR for them. I was told that I was endorsed by one of their colleague who have taken my course earlier.
They are actually nurses working in one hospital in Cebu, the Visayas Community Hospital. There were supposed to be more participants who have wanted to join the course but could not because of the change in their hospital duties.
They even had one friend who went all the way from Cagayan who joined the training.
The course was conducted on May 31-June 1 2008.
CHP Caregiving Students Morning and Evening Class
I conducted another training for CHP caregiving students. This time the course was divided into two schedules. One for the Morning Class and the other for the Evening Class.
There were more that 40 participants for the morning class and the schedule was from May 26-30, 2008.
The evening class was conducted May 26-31 from 5pm to 9pm shortly after the end of the Morning class. It was quite tiring on my part since I have to conduct the course from 8am in the morning until the 9pm in the evening.
But I really don't care since I also enjoyed and the students were also very participative.
Sep 12, 2008
American Dream Review Center - Bohol
I was contacted by the Administrator of American Dream Bohol branch and was asked to conduct First aid and Pro CPR course to their branch in Bohol. It was my first time to handle a course in Bohol and of course, I was very excited. The course was about two days.
I brought along Mr. Diones Tizon, one of our intstructors to assist during the conduct of the course.
One of the participant was a British National who is presently staying in Bohol. He was very interested to join the course since he wanted to update himself on First aid and Pro CPR guidelines. He was a safety officer in one company in United Kingdom prior to staying in the Philippines. I was very happy that he gave our training a positive response during the evaluation.
(Mr. Mark Cooks during the CPR return demo)
(Mr. Mark Cooks during the CPR return demo)
Municipality Of Boljoon, Cebu, Philippines
The office of Civil Defense has invited me again to discuss First aid and Basic Firefighting to their municipal employees.
The Seminar was about Disaster Preparedness and was a three day course. This was through the effort of Mrs. Esterlleta Escanan, the Muncipal Civil Defense Coordinator.
I was there on the second day, May 20, 2008. From 9am to 2pm I talked about first aid and the remaining hours was devoted to firefighting.
Sep 10, 2008
We were contacted by American Dream Review Center a nursing review center in Cebu to conduct First aid and CPR provider course for them. For me this is a really good break for our training since I have long wanted to offer our course to nursing review centers.
Instead of the standard 2 day lecture for the course, we conducted the course for three days since we have incorporated Basic ECG reading for the participants.
The course was very successful. More than 20 participants joined the training. The First day was devoted to First aid discussion. On the second day, CPR and return demonstration was the main course.
On the third day, our Training Center Director handled the Basic ECG Interpretation and at the end of the course, we distributed an evaluation form for the participants to give them an opportunity to evaluate us.
first aid training, cpr training, Cebu City, Philippines, International
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