The world is currently experiencing an economic crisis. Perhaps its just worthwhile that I will share with you some money making tips that will perhaps help. I have come over this article on a national newspaper (Philippine Daily Inquirer). Hopefully this will be a great help to those who wanted to earn some extra income.
(The articles can be found on the Business Section of
Philippine Daily Inquirer, dated February 2, 2009).
1. Go into direct Selling - There are a number of direct selling companies that offer sound business opportunities. One typical example would be AVON.
2. Earn money from your hobbies - Turn your garden into a produce shop, put your wood shop skills to good use.
3. Put your musical talent to good use. - Can you play an instrument? Offer to play at small parties, provide music lessons for a fee.
4. Have a garage sale - put unused or unwanted items for sale.
5. Put your writing skills to good use - Take advantage of freelancing opportunities. Who knows you could be the next J.K. Rowling.
6. Become a tutor - If you are fluent in English or perhaps in Math, you can certainly earn from these by helping or tutoring.
7. Rent our a room - If you have an extra room consider taking a renter
8. Embrace your inner chef - Have a neighborhood bake sale or find a local restaurant looking for fresh homemade pastries
9. Party your way to money - If you are great at organizing parties and events, then you can earn from these by offering your services.
10. Babysit for Neighbors - This is self explanatory.
Well there you go. I am sure that with these choices you certainly have something to work on.
On the Sideline:The Basic Life Support Seminar will push through as per advised by Dr. Villamor. This will be held in Sacred Heart Convention Center, Cebu City. This is an event sponsored by the Philippine Dental Society. The seminar will be from 9 am to 4 pm. Registration starts at 8 am.
Next In Line: After this I will be leaving for Pagadian, via Ozamis. The scheduled lecture will also push through. I have just received information that more than 30 participants have registered for the course already. Well, the schedule will be on February 21 and 22. But I have to leave early (February 19). I will be bringing along my team to assist me on this training.