Jan 27, 2010

First aid - Health Care Provider CPR

First aid Health Care Provider CPR
American Dream Review Center
Jan 27-29, 2010

Another round of First aid and Health Care Provider Course conducted by our group in Cebu together with the American Dream Review Center. A total of 25 participants joined the training which includes CPR, Bandaging, Basic ECG Interpretation, Basic Intubation.

CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES ( all pictures are not yet uploaded).

Jan 16, 2010

First aid - Health Care Provider CPR

Pagadian City, Philippines
Jan 16-17, 2010

We traveled all the way to Pagadian City to conduct First aid and Health Care Provider CPR course in the area. A total of 45 participants compose of nurses, students nurses joined the program which was held at Camila Hotel in Pagadian City.

Aside from the usual topics on First aid, Bandaging, Splinting and CPR, this is the first time that we have incorporated Basic Intubation techniques. It was really fund an exciting most especially for the participants since all of them were able to get hold of the laryngoscope and for the first time tried the actual intubation technique.


Jan 8, 2010

Dec 28

First aid CPR Seminar Workshop
Camp Marina, Cebu City
Dec 28, 2009

We conducted a seminar workshop on First aid and CPR to a group of youth in Camp Marina, Cebu City. More then 30 participants joined the workshop.